Syd Barrett

Also see Pink Floyd, Twink

Syd Barrett (Roger Keith Barrett) top 10 songs (including GMVs and kernels if applicable) with the peak position and peak date for each song. Syd Barrett was a member of Pink Floyd from 1965 to 1968. He was Pink Floyd’s original lead singer, guitarist, primary songwriter and greatly influential to many other musicians. In 1972, Syd Barrett (guitar), Twink (drums) and Jack Monck (bass) formed the short-lived band Stars.

  #GMVs    #kernels    #top10songs50yearsago 

#GMVs #kernels #top10songs50yearsago

Song Peak Date Weeks
Syd Barrett
Terrapin 4 9 Jan 1970 4
Syd Barrett
Octopus 4 28 Nov 1969 1
Syd Barrett
Dark Globe 7 9 Jan 1970 3
Syd Barrett
Baby Lemonade 10 19 Nov 1970 1