Darling Be Home Soon (Live)



“Darling Be Home Soon” is a song written for a loved one about to go on tour, be free to create, travel, please their fans, promote themselves and have fun! “Go and beat your head against the sky, try and see beyond the houses in your eyes”, but also the instant longing for them to come home soon and be with them again “for the great relief of having you to talk to”. “Darling Be Home Soon” was written by John Sebastian of “The Lovin’ Spoonful”, but Slade in their performance on “Slade Alive!” made it their own. They slowed down the tempo, filled it with soul, and an endearing burp from Noddy Holder before the last verse of the song that was very well managed and added a bit of humour without taking away from the beauty of the song. Then you have Dave Hill pulling your heartstrings with his sorrowful guitar effects, Jim Lea’s subtle, harmonic bass guitar, Don Powell’s soft, yet expressive drums and of course the explosive finale that is the last verse. (C.M. 17 February 2024)

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